John Krasinski is the least believable spy of all time. They might as well cast Napoleon Dynamite. Just looking at John destroys any suspension of disbelief that some Rom-Com milquetoast nerd guy with a prepubescent beard is a superspy. In fact, the casting across the board is terrible. I have a hard time believing all CIA field agents are this tubby and incompetent. They look like 50 something guys who sit behind desks all day and sell timeshares. (An are about that intelligent.) It looks like SNL is doing spoof on a spy show. The plot is as generic as it tedious. Femme fatal, sniper rifle, big bad enemy assassin...check check check. Saying the most generic things possible. "I'm not just gonna let this go!" "The ambassador needs to talk to you." "Not now!" "It's urgent!" This is whatever comes before screenwriting 101. It's like they fed every generic spy script into a computer and some chrome extension actually wrote this. I grown out loud to think a person actually wrote this drivel on a page and thought it was okay. Muslims as heroes, evil white men behind everything, fat acceptance, age acceptance, affirmative action hiring for CIA agents. This is what happens when a punch of ivy tower liberals try to write a show about war and the men at the tip of the spear. Blundering into stupid traps, ambushes, fist fights, breaking out of handcuffs, every white guy except the sensitivity Jack Ryan is incompetent, evil, or a joke. To call this show trash is an insult to trash.