Right Now, the series has been on another hold ever since the summer, this is why I'm currently confused. I'm not sure if they're actually gonna end with it even though there are younger viewers that enjoy it or still give enough power to the show similar to how creators of teen titans go make it simple, pretending that it had more popularity so they can keep up with the episodes, in fact, they've actually made a theatrical movie of it and I've never thought for that to exist after all the ratings it received, maybe due to the actual target audience praising it. I may not be like others that don't adore the 2016 Powerpuff Girls because I'm also looking back to it as my favorite, but i do realize the quarks, messages, and terrible changes in not relying on what the original did backthen(which also bothers me). And I hold my faith towards the girls themselves more often then the series since it has been my #1 cartoon of all originality, their magic tricks and movements(except twerking)make me interested in them, this is the only reason I enjoy this generation. I can even still watch the classic 90s version while waiting for upcoming episodes.