I have such fond memories on OW1 I bought the game on day 1 and played it for many hours. I can remember some great memories and friends made on there. OW2 sadly is less like a sequel and should just be classed as a major patch. The new game feels cheap and feels like no major effort was put into changing anything. My biggest issue is that there is now the problem of it being free for all this is great as it brings new players but also brings a lot of toxic players which have no interest in the game and just leave or ruin the game. The free to play also makes the game more of a grind to get skins and emotes. I know these can be bought but I can get barely any time playing without me being disconnected or the rest of the server leaving. I wish the kept OW1 online as the game play feels much smoother and easier to play. I don't get any urge to play this game now which is really upsetting its hard to explain but it just doesn't feel right anymore.