With the bar set so high due to the fantastic job Capcom did with re2 remake this one didn't exactly live up to the same expectations. I know the original re2 was mainly focused on horror and the original re3 was focused a little more on action and they do a great job with staying true to that, but they cut out many essential pieces of the original gameplay like making choices in certain situations and the clock tower mission. They also rushed nemesis evolving waaaay too fast. Another big thing I was looking forward to was getting to watch Brad Vickers get killed by nemesis in stunning graphics, but they changed the outcome on that too. Overall re3 remake just seemed incredibly rushed. It starts out good, but just goes downhill from there. When I beat re2 remake I replayed it for months. I beat re3 remake two days after it came out and haven't touched it since. When playing re2 remake you get the feeling that you know you'll be somewhere for a little while solving that specific puzzle and in re3 remake it seems like they are just constantly pushing you to the next objective with no time to explore, which imo is a must in a resident evil game. All in all this game was a let down. The graphics were great and they have an excellent new RE engine so I really hope they just take their time on the upcoming ones to make them quality. it's just so unfortunate this remake didn't get to live up to the glory re2 did because it easily could have had they just spent a tad more time on it.