After 2 1/2 hours of watching this and nothing of great importance happened, the only conclusion to this movie was a big fight scene and the good guys winning. Every western ever written, every superhero movie every written, is just the same old story line, good verses evil and evil dominates until the very last scene. I’m 63 and maybe I’ve just grown tired of the repetitive stories of good verses evil, romance movies of fall in love, break up and get married at the end, huge over the top fight scenes in war movies. The first Pirates of the Caribbean was a hit because it was simple. The Full Monty was simple, A Christmas Story was simple. What happened to simple story telling? Are there no simple stories that don’t follow the predictable pattern anymore? Greed is the downfall of movies, they pour so much money into the production and then to recoup that heavy burden that a simple story gets lost in the constant bombing of the senses. Enough is enough. Hollywood is always surprised by the “sleeper” movie of the year. They call them sleepers because the high end directors and producers can’t imagine anyone wanting to see them, but guess what? We do enjoy a good story. Story being the optimum word, ya know , like you find in a book, remember those?