I haven’t finished the game yet, but I’m pretty far. Far enough to know that it’s a good game, and it’s worthy of its predecessor. Visually it’s one of the best games I’ve seen, even by pc standards. The audio is top notch from the score, ambiance, and impeccable voice acting. Even though I really wanted an audio profile for my platinum headphones. The gameplay is very similar to the original, with some new mechanics. This could have made the game very stale, but naughty dog has managed to create encounters that put me on edge in a way I haven’t even felt in a VR title. If you’ve ever seen any samurai cinema then you know what your in for as far as story goes. They took risks, and for me they paid off. It isn’t Animal Crossing. This game is violent, and I think had it dropped in a pre-pandemic, pre-awakening to the injustices in America this game would be more liked. I personally don’t think it’s any more bleak than the original. I do, however, think that the “happy” moments that made us love the first game are here. I think they might even be better, but they seem to have been a miss with most people.
It’s has its little flaws: I picked up an object at the same time a conversation was promoted, and I missed out on that entire thread of dialogue. My partner ended up getting spotted by the enemy, and through us into combat, but I actually liked that. Do yourself a favor and play on normal difficulty, but kick up the enemy AI. It makes crafting and scavenging feel balanced, but makes combat and stealth feel a little more intense. Definitely recommend this game.