Hoo boy. There was a lot of thought and effort put into parts of this movie. The beginning was pretty solid and tried to establish some character and personality. Their wonder at seeing the brightness of the world was charming. That's...about it.
So many spoilers ahead.
The one girl's clairvoyance? Barely used, and even then used usually AFTER it's too late. The rich? Well they have salons and dentists and clubs, but nary a bedroom or bathroom to be seen. There's a butcher car...but it's been 17 years and I don't see a lot of live cows roaming the train. At least they have an entire Sea World car. The idea of that car full of that much water, the weight of it, the power to maintain proper conditions...and how did they access it to harvest the fish? How did so many tail section folks know how to use the weaponry on the train? With several amputations and literally 0 medical care, how were they surviving? Who is maintaining the tracks? Why didn't the tail section people have an advantage fighting in darkness? Where were all the soldiers quartered? Why was there SUCH a weird gender disparity? Why was there a jail at all, especially when it's obvious they have zero trouble killing people? Where did all the leftovers from the tail section cannibal massacre go? Why go on and on about the poor breeding so quickly, only to show a classroom with proof that the upper class were breeding more children? Why present Gilliam as a last-minute shock when that story makes no sense?
The ending was horrifying for several reasons. Yes, yes, the crash and the polar bear...but even before that. The movie actually won me back for a moment with the prospect of blowing the gate. It would present Curtis with a real choice to make. Do you believe in the promise of the Engine, or do you believe in yourself and your fellow man? For a moment it was interesting. Then...nope. Then Andy climbed into a something and tried to do a whatever, and I thought maybe he was going to somehow wreck the train, and there would be some kind of ending there...nope. Hey Curtis? Is now the wrong time to point out there was a stool near you, and a chair, and several other things made of strong metal you could've shoved in there without losing an arm? Nahhh you go be a hero.
1.5/5 and I'll hopefully never think of this godforsaken mess again.