So this show to me seemed like the Percy Jackson movies. If you don’t know, the people who made the Percy Jackson movies didn’t keep a lot of the stuff from the book and made it modern for its time.
Anyways, that’s what this show did. I’m all for LGBTQ+ representation, but that not what these books are about. They weren’t written in that perspective. They were written for girls that wanted to see different experience with babysitting.
Then we get to what the girls are. Dawn in the books is a blonde. And I was excited to see the blonde Dawn. But we got a basic brunette (I’m a brunette). Then Kristy. She was a brat to say the least.
And then the events that didn’t happen.
You know what I was waiting for. The big group of kids that they had to babysit in Kristy’s Big Day. But nothing.
Then in the Boy Cray Stacy, we didn’t get that moment in the book that when one of the triplets got in to the water after a whole 2 week period of not going in.
Thanks for read a part of my rant.