This is my first kdrama review because this show deserves all the stars it can get. Amazing and unique storyline, very insightful drama about Disassociative Identity Disorder and the healing journey from mental illness. I also love the OST.
Watched this because of Park Seo Joon...i ended up falling in love with Ji Sung. Of course, I still admire PSK's acting skills and charm (he was WONDERFUL in his "brother" role heart still aches for him) but Ji Sung absolutely shined in this drama. He is an absolutely BRILLIANT and versatile of the best. Also liked the leading lady Jungeum and the supporting cast. There were times that it seemed as if there was drama was too heavy or it became dragging. But you will see that every bit was needed. After all, mental illness is not something to brush off lightly. The comedic and romantic elements beautifully balanced with the heavy drama. I felt my heart breaking in sadness, pounding in fear, running high with love, and becoming calm and hopeful in different parts...
Given the depth and complexity of this drama, this could have been easily stretched to more than 20 eps. But writers still made a way to make the story satisfying. Ending was perfect. I thought I will be forever disappointed with kdramas after watching Goblin as my first kdrama (my standards became too high). But i was wrong. I absolutely loved Kill Me, Heal Me. I will never forget all the emotions. My heart is still sad that it ended. GREAT JOB to the director, writers, and everyone behind this show. YOU MUST WATCH IT.