I expected something more as an Oscar winning movie but found it quite boring with too much emphasis on politics, suspicion of espionage & niggly details.
The background music was loud & extremely annoying drowning out the dialogue of the players who in themselves seem to be muttering unintelligibly! Often tempted to stop the viewing. Yes, there were times that it got better...but only briefly!
Oppenheimer was a genius...a virtual slide-rule hero, a man with a complex mind & a big ego & a womanizer!
The movie delved deeply into post war government suspicions of Oppenheimer as a communist sympathizer & spy. It's lengthy scenes of interrogation became pains takingly boring with irritating & loud flash backs of scenes!
I suppose it was the McCarty era of persecution of left wing individuals suspected of being communists...McCarty's crazy obsession! But why would a government be so cruel, so ungrateful & persecute this man who created a bomb that brought a horrific war to an end?!!! Oppenheimer was a loyal & true American!!! After all Oppenheimer displayed a humane side & felt guilty for having created a bomb that killed thousands of innocents & feared the worst for the future of humanity! We now see his fears were real today!
Did the government misunderstand the morals of this man ...Oppenheimer?!
Perhaps I'm old school but Hollywood has lost it's touch in making movies that are entertaining & attention grabbing! At best this movie deserves no more than 3 stars...& that's being very generous.