Honestly just had another update and between the money hungry store upgrades and the way every update has to update then re install multiplayer and campaign, it dropped the game to a ⭐⭐ for me.
Honestly it's CoD, same stuff, same cheaters, same players that play every mode like team death match, CoD has just become toxic, but unfortunately it's the only first person shooter out that is still pretty fun. Never truly understood why people cheat in call of duty, it's not like they're getting paid or winning anything , hell not even winning bragging rights for first place because ya cheated , idk nerds with no life I guess!
All in all the ridiculous BS with all the updates and having to wait even longer because ya go to play but have to re install multiple every update, sucks! Y'all need to do better! The shoving weed novelty skins down our throats gets old, the price for everything being $20 or more, after paying $70-100 for the game already , is pretty lame. Oh and the fact that you can make any gun dead accurate is lame, the weapon add ons is enough, you shouldn't be able to go in and manipulate adjustments to the gun to have zero sway, zero recoil... keep the guns how they come, if they ad ons do t help , then step up the game....leave some realities in the game!
Hopefully black op 6 sticks to the beta and doesn't make it about the money! The pay to win era needs to end