First off, since seasons 1 and 2 this show has been great. Season 5 is garbage. I'm just going to say it. Second, Iris. Iris has been a problem since season 3. She has been adding way to many sappy moments. Me and my friends can't enjoy the show because she is the leader of team Flash. Not to mention why is Iris leader of team Flash, when the name is team FLASH. Also notice that whenever Iris isn't there, they seem to do a lot better. I would also like to talk about Nora. In season 5, she isn't doing that good. Although since we haven't seen all of her character, we can give her another shot. Also, Barry needs to AND I MEAN NEEDS TO learn to FIGHT. If Barry learns to fight, at least he'll learn to beat up villains. Okay, if it's a normal bad guy with no powers or meta tech, he doesn't need to fight them. But if it's the main bad guy, he should at least need to fight. In the comics my friend told me he knows how to box, so he could also learn this in the show. Arrow could teach somethings in a crossover event or something. But don't make it too violent. That would kinda ruin part of the show. Not to mention Cicada. He is the WORST and I mean THE WORST major villain EVER in the Flash. He might be the worst in the Arrowverse. Also, how have they not beat this guy yet? They know where he lives, they could just go there, and beat him up. They even know his powers, even Iris beat him up. I would also like to complain about Barry's suit. It just is not that good.This also happened in season 3 with Savitar. He had a lot of potential to become a great villain. But it just didn't work out because his only purpose was to kill Iris. In the comic "Flash Out of Time", my friend told me that he was a lot cooler. Him and Barry had an awesome fight and ran around the timeline. However, even though the show is not that good right now, it has amazing potential. I used to wake up every morning and be like,"I can't wait to watch the Flash. That's a great show". Now I'm like, "More sappy moments in the Flash today". I can only hope that the Flash can get it's former glory back.