If you're a fan of Isaac Asimov's Foundation series, save your time and ignore this show. Or, at the very least, pretend you're watching an entirely different show. I went in expecting to see Foundation visualized, and as a fan of the books, I was so annoyed at the blatantly divergent spinoff that I took the time to write my first and only Google show review.
If you haven't read Foundation, have a blast with a generic, mediocre sci-fi show.
The only resemblance this show has to the novels is the use of original names and places. Otherwise, it may as well be a different series.
- Psychohistory is distorted from a macro-societal tool of mathematics to a magical predictor of individual behavior.
- Seldon crises have nothing to do with the pre-determined course of history, nor the key original plot points themselves
- The Vault is turned into a mysterious floating force-field with an unexplained connection to an individual character
- Raych, Salvor, Demerzel, and other key characters follow arcs that have nothing to do with their literary equivalents
- The empire is now run by a genetic dynasty of clones
- The Foundation is aware of psychohistory and the Fall from the get-go
- Mental powers are about seeing the future, instead of sensing and adjust emotions
tl;dr they should have just written a new show with a different name for all the resemblance bares to the original Asimov works.