This should be a MUST movie for every woman who has experienced post-partum depression. Every single commenter who said that this movie was too depressive and this is not how motherhood is, has never experienced the dark side of motherhood and I am happy you didn't, because it is exactly as described in this movie. Not every mother experiences the bliss, especially when later is life or child is unplanned. Every single movie about motherhood so far was about butterflies and unicorns but the truth is it is not always so. As a result women who see the dark side think that this is something they are doing wrong and they are failures and they are bad mothers. This movie broke this stigma. I felt like I was watching a movie about myself, from the very first moment: contempt and depression during pregnancy, lack of interest right after giving birth, automatic movements when taking care of your child for the first months without feeling a thing in the process, disinterest in other children, spouse, etc. The commenters who say this is not real and this is not true motherhood, please realize that it is hard to understand something you never experienced, but that doesn't make it less real. Hiding the 'ugly' side doesn't make it go away. And I am sure this movie has helped many mothers like me!