Summary: One of the best in indian cinema - A good/great film with only one major issue- poor dialouges
I am not a fan of either the star cast or crew, hence I am being completely honest in my review.
It was a mamoth effort and it pays off. The only weak point are the poor dialouges by hussain dallal.
The VFX are at some points so good thst I was taken aback given the recent fiascos by MCU as well, no complaints in the vision and look of the film. And I am not saying this for the indian cinema I am talking the world cinema here.
I will definitely be watching it again and be in line for the planned sequel.
The movie is really really good ! Dont look at anything else just go and watch it on the biggest screen possible with your family !
Summary: One of the best in indian cinema - A good/great film with only one major issue- poor dialouges.