I kept watching this show while also giving it an irritating a pass due to its lack of diversity both in the clients whose homes are designed down to the staff we are allowed to see in the office. HOWEVER, in the first episode of season 2, Mrs. McGee has been styled or chose to wear an AFRICAN PRINT DRESS, meanwhile making not a single mention to why, or the designer or to anything associated with that dress. That is cultural appropriation and it is really rude.
When I saw the dress, I got a little excited and thought, OH, maybe there will be a black or brown couple featured. Nope. Another white couple, with a blond wife who looks similar to Shea (again) ... and a gargantuan home with a full-sized basketball court. Incredibly tone deaf.
Obvi, it is *their* show and they can do what they want, and perhaps the message is that they don't care to entertain or educate anyone that doesn't look like them. If so, noted.
(I see Ep2 has a brown person.)