This post is listed under Michele, but this is actually her husband. I watched Leaving Neverland, and it appears pretty apparent to me that there was to the very least, some inappropriate behavior from Michael Jackson, regardless if all the accusations are true or not from both Wade and James. What man, in his 30's, wants to sleep with children under the age of 18, more so 7 and 10 year old's. If that isn't pedophile tendencies, than what is? AND, what parent would allow that to happen to their children, no matter who the person was? There is no amount of money in the world that will take away the memories of being abused by someone who used his star status to get over on children. Who is more guilty in this case?
If those 2 men really did make up those stories, they sure put themselves in a pretty disturbing future, revealing what they went through to the public, and the threats that were almost sure to follow. I'm quite certain that before those interviews, those men were advised of the consequences, and the ridicule that was sure to follow. I applaud them for coming forward, and I am disgusted with the parents, especially the mothers.