Definitely the best FPS I’ve played. Not only has it added new features to the already brilliant Doom 2016 gameplay but it has also introduced things that could change the genre.
It has a beautiful colour scheme. A soundtrack (yet to release) even better that DOOM 2016, yet again by Mick Gordon. More strategy. Skins and weapon skins. Parkour. And so much more...
I can not do this game justice but what I can do is be a cynic and complain. Even if the game play is beautiful, the skins are like the collectable Doom Guys in Doom 2016, the same model but with different colours. Luckily there is the one off version like the DOOMicorn (which you must have Twitch Prime for) and Sentinel Armour. Also they have removed the classic deathmatch mode and Snapmap and replaced it with Battlemode. Battlemode is a good concept but the execution was poor. Also if you are to lag then you most likely will have lost.
Hopefully they will add Snapmap, Deathmatch and more original skin concepts.
One thing that really bothers me is the lack of story. Yes Doom isn’t know for story and more know for going on a demon killing spree but ID could have done better.
Even if there are some things to criticise (and the Marauder), is 100% worth your time, and I say this as a proud owner of the Collector’s edition.
Play it and not only blow up demons but use strategy and have fun.