I've watched every Resident Evil movie since the first one (including the animated series), as well as played the RE games. This movie by far is the worst one in the series. Nothing and I mean nothing aligns with physics, not even enough to be mildly believable. The ability to endlessly fires weapons without reloading was so badly obvious that it just became comical. The multiple scenes where she'd be shooting directly at someone and miss every shot on the main target (Wesker), but tag every Umbrella soldier. Also, while on the topic, the actor for Wesker could not have possibly done a worse job at portraying, such an iconic villain of the series. He constantly was just emotionless in every scene and lacked the trash talking that Albert Wesker is known for. The story is boring and seems half cocked. Mila Jovovich is a phenomenal actor in the first 2 movies, but as time went on, the director definitely dumbed down the character Alice that we came to know and love. Honestly there was more cons than pros to this movie. Quite honestly, the only reason I gave it a 2 is simply for pure nostalgic purposes. This movie is definitely Resident Evil meets the Matrix, but worse. Also my biggest pet peeve, zombie apocalypse which had been going on for years, yet everyone has perfect makeup, even after fighting 😂