Action packed from beginning to end, great cast, great visual effects, huge amount of new characters, many new abilities, new villains, new friends, and completely new storyline.
Movie does not follow the original one at all. There is no connection other than a few cast members from the original. While the movie was descent, it should have had a different name. It has villains and heroes, but because there are so many different characters, one can't relate as much as they could in the first one. The movie also lacks feeling from the audience. In the original there was love, dedication, anger, betrayal, and family forming bonds between each of the characters. They kept Harley Quinn ( one of the best actors) as one of the characters, loved by all audiences. Her role was not quite as fun or portrayed as the mischievous character she is completely. It does appear at the very end, that yes, her true self is finally shown, but, other than that one scene she appears to be a different type of Harley. The movie would have made a higher review by fans if they kept either all of the original cast to continue playing there riles, or at least have had them all added in with the new cast.