While I was impressed by the acting and the presentation of an obvious injustice, the fact that the movie carries a heavy dose of criticism of the FBI and the press is an expected message from the director who once debated an empty chair at a Republican convention. That man is, of course, Clint “Mr. #1 Celebrity Republican” Eastwood. Mr. Jewel was a victim of an overzealous press & law enforcement “investigation” that, for a while, turned a hero into a mad bomber. I certainly condemn the actions of the press & the local FBI office in the case (if the film is accurate) but I believe Mr. Eastwood had a bigger agenda in the timing of this film. It is no secret that our impeached president has two huge targets: the press and the American Intelligence community. Neither of
those entities are perfect. Far from it. However, by and large both the press and National Intelligence agencies protect our freedoms. Trump has belittled each group to the point that his favorite dictator, Vlad “the impaler dictator” Putin is laughing with glee about the divisions that he has encouraged Trump to cause. This movie should stand alone and not be an info oof our protectors of freedom.