They’ve got three screamers on The Five now and I’m about ready to give up on it. Greg Gutfeld can be so smart and articulate and interesting then ruin it with stupid jokes and facial expressions, followed by maniacal cackling. When he’s manic, I turn it off, can’t stand it. Then you have the guy in the middle who yells, waves his hands around, interrupts and is so in love with himself - I turn him off. If they think he’s a good replacement for Tucker - NO. Finally you have the judge huffing and puffing snd yelling every single show. It’s just too much insanity. Geraldo likes to come off like the common man and then drops stupid elitist comments about his Bentley car. Really? So informative and good - Dana Perino, Tulsi, Harold, Tyrus - please, get back to sane snd smart discussions in this crazy world. The Five looks more like a circus each dsy.