5 stars because I loved it to bits. The film is truly amazing! I loved the film for what it is on so many layers: artistically, emotionally, intellectually. Some people hate the film for what it is not (not the original Matrix, not fully the original cast, and not a John Wick movie). After all, the expectation bar was always going to be very high for any Matrix sequel; Matrix gathered many followers as some kind of religion or an ideology with its own canon and creed. A new take on Matrix was always going to generate a critique, denial and schism. Some hate/"cancel culture" type of reactions are ideological and misguided. Matrix Resurrections is a smart action flick and a love story, the film knows it's audience very well and in a funny ways subverts these expectations (eg regarding the flying superpower). This is not out of a malaise or ill will at all, but out of love and in order to tell a more compelling and a heartfelt story. The film tells you "Mindless action is not on brand." I think it is going to be a cult film loved and discussed for years to come. In other words, a masterpiece, a work of genius. Last but not least, acting in this movie is superb and everything has a meaning or two.