Awful. Don't advertise you're bringing gible back if I have to spend more money on your stupid online service to find someone with the other half of the game to trade with. It was cool when I was five dollars a year, but I shouldn't be penalized 200 dollars because you told me a year ago when I purchased it there'd be a gible. I don't hear bethesda saying oh you wanted to be a khajit, you have to buy skyrim blood moon red. It's stupid. Gamfreak is stupid. This is the nail in the coffin. I've been around this long. I enjoyed contests. I survived mega evolution. I obtained all of the Pokemon that didn't even have numbers in alola because you guys forgot to do a pokedex. I've been through enough. I wanted a 90 dollar gible, that I can pick up my ds and get in diamond but instead I waited all day for something that ruined my year. I've been waiting since before the coronavirus. I paid like two days after it's release because the base game was obviously incomplete. I'm just really dang disappointed, because I've been here since the beginning, I've been faithful, and it's a wild goose chase.