Since this aired, it's obvious that Wade and James stories may have some holes in it, and I'm disappointed that Dan Reed didn't do a better job at investigating before he released it. As the MJ lovers have stated, it would have been nice to talk to BOTH SIDES to make a more compelling documentary. Also, when Dan Reed says this isn't about Michael, it's about Wade and James, I 100% disagree. Especially, when he states that he would love to talk with Jordan Chandler and Gavin Arvizo so he can do a Leaving Neverland Part II. If it wasn't about Michael, he would be interested in speaking with any victims of child molestation, both within and outside of Hollywood, imo. It's obvious who he's going after and what he's trying to prove.
With that being said, I 100% BELIEVE both Wade and James. Some of there dates and timings might be off, but it's not logical to me that both of these men would put their lives as well as their families, up for such scrutiny including death threats all because Wade did or didn't (depending on who you ask) get a Cirque Du Soleil job. I'm sorry, I'm just not buying it. And I'm not saying Michael abused every child that came to Neverland. In fact, it's obvious he didn't, but it doesn't make Wade and James story any less believable for me.
The sad part of this, is that they're both coming out now almost a decade after Michael's passing. Honestly, I wish it was different. And as much as I believe the both of them, if I was judge/jury, it would be very hard for me to rule in their favor due to the fact Michael isn't here to defend himself, since the only two people that 100% know the truth are the accusers and the accused.