Actually I love this game and its a true save considering litterally every other game kicks my wallet in the balls. While received badly for it glitches, campers, etc it's still a start and WAY better then what's currently being produced by companies. Nothing's perfect but this is defiantly a game worth it's money, and while something i don't consistently play every day it more then satisfies me every time I do play it. My only complaints are of course the glitches, the unusual overflow of camping but in most building based maps it's sorta inevitable. As for the positives that I went over above, the map design while deservingly critiqued is still amazing and fun, as well people may have issues with the fact that running out in the open results in immediate gun fire and death...but keep in mind I'm pretty sure that was the point, it's modern warfare you get behind cover and move silently it's not like most where it's more of a shooter with no strategy other then run and gun. It's hard to adapt to but extremely rewarding once you master it. In fact the hard difficulty is hard enough to challenge me yet simply enough to be playable considering my unusual young age I like most suck at video games, and modern warfare certainly is hard it's to the point that I'll brag about having 5 kills in a row. But with enough practice and adapting its a very great concept and game and it's something NEW not the same overplayed and repetitive garbage over and over again.