Compared to the first Meg movie this is just terrible...
Could reference so many details of why this movie was bad, but I am not going to, so there are no spoilers, not that there is really anything worthy enough to spoiled in this movie to begin with.
I will just say that Meg 1 was an awesome movie, with likeable characters, good character development, intrigue, suspense, mostly "realistic" scenes and sort of a constant thrill ride into what would happen next. I loved it and it is one of the best shark/ocean thriller movies I've ever seen.
Enter Meg 2... And it literally has the quality of some hokey pokey B grade spoof movie that tries to copy the original blockbusters that come out. NO real character development, no likeable characters, people dying off randomly whenever the writer wants, and the entire movie is just one ridiculously over the top and unrealistic scene after another. The writing is horrible, not a single good line the whole movie. I honestly would not care if every single person in the movie died, it's literally that bad, and the scenes are just so ridiculous that I probably would have enjoyed that more than seeing the physics and logic defying garbage on my screen happen from one scene to the next.
So disappointed... Was actually excited to see this and I own The Meg 1, but this is like a 13 year old that believes in imaginary unicorns and fairies being real wrote this script, and then directed each scene like some kind of fairy tale.
Going to be hard to expect another good movie out of this franchise after this... :(