If anything, thinking about this film gives me pangs of nostalgia. I saw this, 5-6 years ago and remember loving it so freakin much. And the songs are epic, to say the least. It didn't fare well because of the cast and the not-so-high budget. And tbh, it's a lil tacky at some points, but hey, what's an Indian film without it's usual bit of tackiness. And honestly, I think I was a kid when I first watched this movie, that's the reason I liked it so much. If I were to watch it now, it would seem unrealistic and pretentious. And the number of mayas gosh! Okay, this turned into a critic review real quick lol.
In short, if you are an 18-20 year old, this isn't the movie for you. If younger, definitely give it a shot, it will be a nice flight of fantasy for ya.
For Me, it's a reminder of when I watched it for the first time and brings back loads of memories, so I like it to this day.