Hey Tucker Carlson, I watched your show where you talked about 30 year olds today are not making the same or more than there parents at there age of 30 . I already wrote an email to you about it!!! Anyway I’ll state it again!!! In today’s world! It is easy to get a job as a temporary!!! And that’s the problem!!! Most all!!!! Places now! Big companies/corporations! Only hire temporary’s why? Because they don’t have to pay them a full time pay nor do they offer them benefits/ insurance ect... so even if they work 40 hours a week like full time people! They are still considered temporary people!!! NOT FAIR!!! So in saying that you must add that into the equation of why today’s 30 year olds today, are not making as much as there parents made years ago!!!! Years ago there was no such thing as temporary employees!!! You were hired and got good pay and benefits on the spot!!! Not today!!! As a temporary you get a job working 40 hours week with less pay and no benefits and no insurance!!!! I was one of the lucky ones!! I started out as a temporary back in 1989 and I only worked as a temporary for 9 months and got hired full time with an increase in pay and full benefits with insurance!!!! So I’m an advocate so to speak for the ones I worked with side by side doing the same exact job!!!! Making less than me with no benefits!!! NOT FAIR!!! It bothered me!!!! Now however in today’s times 2019 very few companies even offer you the opportunity to become full time! Even if they have been working there for 5+ years!!!! Because it’s cheeper for the company to keep them that way! And you do a news broadcast on the 30 year olds today don’t make as much as there parents did back in the day!!! Hmmmm?! Wonder why??!!! Well my Above description tells you why!!! I wrote a letter years ago to President Obama when he was trying to come up with a healthcare plan/bill! Stating that the reason why healthcare is in the shape it is.... Is because of the temporary working situation!!! Offering them no benefits!!!! But of course my letter went doormat and wasn’t even addressed if even read? Anyway that’s my 2 cents!!!! Which probably won’t go anywhere? Just like my letter to the President years ago!?!!!