If someone craps on your carpet and then sticks a tiny LED lightsaber in it and you clap and declare with glee "Oh look, Star Wars", you might like this movie.
Cons: McGuffins, plot holes, plot armor, Deus ex machina, cynical nostalgia, bad video game side quest plot and the utter destruction of Luke and Anakin Skywalker story arcs and Star Wars canon.
Pros: popcorn, flashing lights, the title, lightning, space ships, the big screen, Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley are actually good actors.
Other than a tiny minority, people are not going to see this movie multiple times, they are not going to buy the blue rays, they are not going to buy merch and while the sequels might have made a profit on tickets, the opportunity cost lost to Disney's handling of this franchise is easily measured in the billions.