Sorry for the book here, though it is my dream to be a video game critic for Game Informer Magazine, but here goes. For those of us "golf traditionalist," The Golf Club 2019 is basically everything we ever wanted in a golf game. The realism. Those of us who play Madden and want to see 8 to 10 minute quarters with a rb having 20 to 25 touches and a qb going to the air 30 to 40 times, this crowd of gamers. The only draw back in my opinion in The Golf Club is the lack of real PGA Players. To me this is a big draw back, yet to me it's the only draw back there is. Those of us who loved Tiger Woods Golf, though we turned off the ability to control the ball in the air, or repeatedly hit one of the L buttons to generate power, or to be able to spin a ball while in mid flight, those things were not realistic at all, and Tiger Woods Golf to me has been the best all around golf game to date.. This game brings realism straight in. Just like real life, in order to get better and compete, you have to practice. I am someone who is fortune enough to be on a golf course 6 days a week playing, so seeing a ball slightly above the feet, seeing it come off the club face with a little bit of draw to it, or we pull it somewhat, or having to make sure our backswing and follow through is in a fluid rythem, or we risk not catching all of it or snap hooking it, to me this is realistic golf. Seeing someone come in at -20 in a tournament isn't golf, that's arcade. One of the coolest additions is that of "Societies." This is where you can create or join a Club basically, which is set up to your liking and play ability. There are daily tournaments put on by your Society as well as a chatt forum, so it gives it a Country Club feel, minus the cute drink cart girls that come by and that you can use to escape your spouse. I want to see a round of 64 and 65 being a good day. It can be frustrating attimes, but its golf. If you like realistic golf and can handle the fact that there are no PGA players listed, this is the game for you.