As a die hard BB fan, watched the entire thing three times so far and still get emotional when Walt dies at the end, I found El Camino to be hardly a shadow of the original series. The acting was just ok, the story line pretty boring and unimaginative. I think my expectations were set by BB with all of its amazing plot lines and twists and turns, incredible characters. Aaron Paul will always be Jesse Pinkman to me, just as Bryan will always be Walt. I think the roles that they played so convincingly combined with the impeccable story they were a part of will remain forever iconic in American television. I'd call it the best written story I've ever seen or read. Pretty hard to measure up to that in a two hour movie meant to wrap it up with a neat little bow. BB will always have a place in my heart but as for El Camino, I'll just try to sort of forget about it and leave things as they stood as we panned away from Mr. White, wishing it would go on forever.