(No spoilers)
Interesting twist on a well known concept. Action packed with excellent cinematography. Really well done fight sequences. Choreography, camera work and editing were top notch. (Some try to pull off similar screen action and just fail miserably on some or all counts) Charleze Theron does it again embodying every bit of immortal (Revealed right away) badassery one could hope for and as per usual she looks good doing it. Damn, does she age? Characters are developed and blended well with story for full believability and buy-in from me as a viewer without going overboard and losing pace as the action film that it is.. Great acting from rest of cast and the other leading young lady is quite beautiful too which just makes it all the more enjoyable. There will likely be no academy awards here but a great movie nonetheless. In the waning minutes of the movie I found myself asking, hoping for a part two and I think we just might get one.