This is a side story from the fictional universe of the acclaimed anime tv series "Sound! Euphonium", featuring flautist Nozomi and her achingly shy friend Mizore, the oboe player. The title of the film is taken from a story within the story, a fairy tale of sorts about two girls who become friends, but one is actually a magical blue bird. It is a children's book that both characters read, and is also the inspiration for the musical piece the concert band is practicing. Nozomi and Mizore especially identify with the characters and compare it to their friendship. Mizore at first identifies with Liz and is afraid of someday losing the flighty Nozomi's friendship after graduation. Little by little Mizore realizes the junior woodwind players want to be her friend, too. She rebuffs them at first but gradually accepts them. The central conflict of the story is that both Nozomi and Mizore are responsible for a flute & oboe duet in the concert piece and they can't get it right until they deal with the lingering, unspoken issues plaguing their own friendship. A kind teacher gives Mizore a new perspective that she hopes will lead to a breakthrough for her.
The film is very subtle and paced slowly, but it definitely carries on the same spirit from the television series, though the visuals are superior with a feature film budget. Mizore's character design is slightly different in this film than in the TV series, but she's also arguably older, too. The main cast of Sound! Euphonium are here, but relegated to the background in supporting roles, though of course Reina Kousaka, the very blunt ace trumpet player does have a cameo where she offers unfiltered advice and criticism to Mizore. The music in the film is beautiful, as you would expect from this franchise.
This side story is a miniature "hero's journey" and coming-of-age story for shy Mizore and the conclusion is emotionally satisfying. I watched this film subtitled but I am gratified to hear it will also be receiving an English dub from the usual cast of NYAV Post / Bang Zoom regulars you'd expect out of Los Angeles.