What a disappointment. Firstly,who thought putting Cathy Tyson as an elderly mother in it was good casting?
This is so far removed from an existing London kitchen it's in Narnia. No self respecting chef would have a brigade like that lot.
No chef would be on the phone to her mum then leave to see you her for nothing, get a neighbour in.
Likewise, if I see Stephen Graham play another depressed drunk I will scream, it's all he does or play a thug. However his wife is great,wasted in this tripe.
The bearded Liverpool chef is the worst actor in it,if he said la once he said it a thousand times, obnoxious and would last 5 minutes in McDonald's never mind high end.
The camp matre de was a close second ,as realistic as a bowl of plastic fruit, an insult to the Gay community and false. Nothing about this was a decent drama, it's filmed in a set,the food isn't real nor is the pathetic story line and the appalling acting..just awful..