I didn't think anything would usurp "The Last Jedi"'s lead position as the absolute worst Star Wars film...I sincerely regret to say that I was astoundingly incorrect in my assumption. The only reason for anyone to go see this movie is to witness why a beloved genre should never be bought out by some corporate agency. Consider this movie as a relatively cheap course in how not to make a Star Wars movie (or any movie for that matter). While I must confess that this movie had to deal with the absolute train wreck that the The Last Jedi was...the most significant problem is that it continued where The Last Jedi left off, and that's no winning position to be in. The best sequel to The Last Jedi was to not put out another film that followed in it's wake at all whatsoever. If you want to be disappointed beyond the pale of reason, if you enjoy seeing established canon thrown into a shredder, or if you just want to see Palpatine-on-a-stick...this movie was made for you. For anyone else, you have to be a masochist if you're going to pay to watch this movie...