Sorry if I'm going to offend the generic cookie cutter sheep audience that make up fans of Rotten Tomatoes, there's no advanced CGI motion capture effects, there's no number after the movie's title, there's practically no diversity hired actors,just good old fashioned 90s horror comedy Stephen King style.
A shape shifting sucubus mother along with her "only son" move into a town where they find themselves harrrestd by the local people and their cats,one of my favourite Stephen King movies,and the first time King wrote a story just for the big screen instead of the usual adaptation of one of his novels.
This movie contains the first and probably only pump action cat neck break in all celluloid.
Spooky fact,the parents of the heroine, Tanya, are played by,at that time real life husband and wife Lyman Ward and Cindy Pickett,who also played Ferris Bueller's parents, Ferris Bueller danced to the song "Do You Love Me?" performed by the Contours on a parade float,the very same song Tanya is listening to on her personal stereo tape deck as she is working in the local cinema when she bumps into Charles the son of the sucubus.
God I love this movie.
That. Is. All.