JoJo Rabbit is a wonderful satirical film. I have watched it numerous times and each time I view it I learned. Although I have suggested and asked others to watch it in my later age group, some say they just do not understand satire or they just want to watch a movie without thinking. How sad. The beauty of JoJo Rabbit is it’s ability oto reach out and touch anyone. The key elements of JoJo Rabbit that capture my attention are the film’s ability to address the relationships of many perspectives. Here are the ones I observed:
1. The propaganda efforts of the German government to influence the general population and the German youth.
2. The efforts of the resistant citizens of the German population striving to achieve independence from the then current German dictatorship dominance.
3. The relationship of a mother and her son (member of the Hitler Yugen) under a dictatorship.
4. The relationship between the young boy and the hidden Jewish adolescent friend of his deceased sister. Amazing script writing. Both characters are struggling to survive and to understand their individual identities in war time.
5. Sam Rockwell is absolutely incredible. The range he projected is marvelous. His relationship with the young boy is absolutely incredible. The young boy adores his character. At the end of the film, Sam Rockwell’s character saves the boys life by rejecting the boy as Jewish. What an incredible twist to the story.
It will serve all of us well if we listen, view, and internalize this film.