I really enjoyed it. Visually the neon nightscape of London looks amazing. I don’t understand all the criticism surrounding this. It’s an adaptation of a bonkers musical, I feel it’s visually off the charts compared to what the stage show did and could do. The songs were performed really well, the dancing was great. The digital fur was very convincing, I wasn’t sure if they were wearing a fur catsuit (no pun intended) or whether it was CG, turns out to be CG. The cast were well selected. I didn’t care much for Sir Ian’s vocal talents but that is only a minor criticism.
This movie definitely isn’t for everyone. It’s totally crazy and if you aren’t aware of what you are letting yourself in for you probably won’t enjoy it. It’s really a strange concept but then so was the stage show and the poems that it’s all based on.
I personally liked it a lot, as did the group that I was with and would happily pay to see it again.