Thousands of hackers banned weekly, who ruin your game daily.
Some people would be like "get good" ohhhh get good against the guy flying around invisible! Ohhh soooo true.
Battle eye is INCAPABLE of detection. Ban waves don't do enough to prevent cheating. In the first week of this wipe they banned like 10,000 players within 3 days... Uhhh people that's 3300 players a day. IN 24 HOURS.
Considering this is a hardcore pvp game, means hacking is that much more detrimental. The worst part is the player scav cheaters, there is nothing you can do against them. Nothing. Recording does nothing. BSG just doesn't give a damn.
Last wipe I had a dude kill me on reserve, naked with an m1a, he killed my entire squad instantly right after he killed me within 1 second threw walls / trucks / without even seeing anyone.
This dude was level 20 something when I tried to add him, a week later he was level 66. A WEEK, yeah getting 50+k exp every raid from killing everything would probably make that possible.
I reported him, reported the recording, which was blatant. Thing is, same name this wipe hes level 41 last time I checked. Like 2 days into wipe (LUL) My guess is hes probably higher level then landmark at the moment. Probably level 70 already.
Hes not a streamer, hes a hilariously blatant cheater. He's played two wipes without being banned. Probably more to be honest, his cheats defeat every means of anti cheat BSG has to offer. His name is gibberish not logging on to copy paste it, don't care enough.
I don't understand why there isn't a report function yet. This guy would get 10 reports a game easy. He aimbots everyone. Instead he's just laughing at the system, making the anti cheat look like a joke. Making bsg look like a joke.
Now this wipe, I just die to nothing from no where, no sound, just drop dead, could be server lag, could be hacks. I'm leaning towards the latter.
Honestly this wipe with the changes to weight / flea / some ammo, just makes the game feel increasingly awful. I bet it's already dying out. No one wants to play a game made for sweaties and cheaters.
Also, the way the flea works now punishes people who don't have infinite time for a game. Some people had fun hatchet running or grubbing last wipe just to get some stuff in the secure.
Well now they can't. Now it's full on sweat mode. I think nikita listened to klean too much, and other streamers. It's actually ruined the game. The cheaters and the changes have ultimately made the game worse. Only the sweaties will disagree, and the cheaters.
this game was 4/5 last wipe, with -1 star cuz the cheaters. This wipe It's an easy 1/5 stars, because the cheating is worse, and when I die to cheaters Or super sweats, I get nothing out of it. In my eyes the secure thing kept people playing, cuz they didn't feel awful about losing everything if they made some return.
Now it's just pure losses on the bad games. Rip, this games getting shelved.