It's like the Avengers meet the Childhood Icons!!!
They should make a sequel or a TV series.
There should be a franchise about them.
The Morals of the film
1. Ascension: Jack Frost was less popular and seem to have no place in the world til teaming with the Guardians of Childhood made him realize he is destined to bring Fun and Joy to the children of Earth. The movie teached us that no matters what we are, we will ascend to the top like Jack did.
2. Courage: The movie show the battle between the concepts of childhood and the forces of fear! The Guardians were weak to fight the Bogeyman but their believers became their own Guardians and help them defeat fear.
3. Self-Discovery: Jack Frost came to the earth feeling left out when no one believe in him. But when he learned of his past he rised as a full-fledged Guardian!
The Guardians Redesign
The Sandman is the silent but strong wiseman!
The Easter Bunny is a nature ninja!
The Tooth Fairy is the overseer of childhood memories!
Santa Claus is a sword-wielding Russian giant!
Jack Frost is more attractive and purposeful than his incarnations!
The Bogeyman is as magnificent as he is eerie and nightmarish!
Please make the Rise of the Guardians franchise and bring more supernatural beings like Mother Goose, Father Time and Mother Nature.
Maybe a television series that often includes the origin of these legendary superheroes.
Keep up the good work, William Joyce!!