I heard your views on abortion this week where it should be decided by each state and I was appalled by that statement. That sounds like a political view and not a Christian view. Praise the Lord that enough people are finally speaking out against abortion and are voting against it and it could go to the supreme court where we have enough justices that could vote that hideous Roe V Wade law down. You don't comment about what the Bible says about shedding blood,that it pollutes and defiles the land,NUM 35:33 and also Gen.9:6, Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man. Just think of that little baby in the womb that was aborted was made in Gods image. How does that earthly Daddy feel when one of his babies are taken by death? Those are Gods babies that are being killed and yes, everyone involved in that hideous deed will have to answer for it.