So many problems with the largest game ever created. Every day my characters gun is stuck sideways and I have to die so he can shoot. Spawn trapping couldn’t be easier as they just post up right out the door killing everyone who walks through. Maybe after everyone on your teams dies 5 times in a row will they flip the spawn. Jumping and laying down gives you extra health or they act like your bullets don’t count towards these type of gamers. This code they put in when you are doing good to make you be in “better” lobby is just them making you worst. Your bullets become weaker and so does your charter who now dies as if you are playing hardcore in core. I don’t like when games take control on your gaming. Also, PC gamers should bot be in the same lobby as a console gamer. They are a whole different level of gamer and are know for having no life and hacking all the time. You are just like EA and this will be my last CoD purchase.