I guess this is exactly what you get when you go to see the end of a trilogy that’s driven by feminism/diversity agenda instead of you know..an actual story.
Of course there were a few epic fight sequences and some good jokes, but overall the movie just tries too hard to please everyone. Too much course correction, too much fan service, too much bang but no actual storytelling. Originality what?..
Last Jedi was flawed but it had some great fresh ideas - about the force abilities not being tied to a certain family name, about the need to balance the light and the dark within; this just erases it all and essentially ends up retelling the ending of the Return of the Jedi. There’s no balance. No real closure. It’s just so painfully obvious that there never was a clear plan for this trilogy.
This movie figuratively and literally kills the only interesting character of the new trilogy. Repeatedly.
For what? Some cheap tear-jerking attempt. Let this sink in Disney - literally everyone at the premiere was laughing at what was supposed to be THE dramatic self-sacrifice moment of the movie.. none of the actual jokes got such a reaction.
Just Meh.