It's incredibly boring. I love political intrigue and this show genuinely makes me sleepy; the characters talk about nothing and things go nowhere. We have episodes of characters that eat cereal and do little to nothing else. There are some episodes that are really good, but genuinely I've only enjoyed Episode 7 after having watched 8 episodes. It doesn't feel like Star Wars. I haven't seen a Twi'lek yet. I haven't seen a non-human species have a speaking role. There's human tribes with no dimorphism practicing shamanism and speaking their own languages, which makes no sense at all with how humans operate in the galaxy. They could have very easily made the shamanistic, deeply spiritual Dhani some manner of new alien species or humans with dimorphism, but it's just a bunch of random humans as random and diverse as any other planet with humans. We're supposed to believe the Dhani are native to Aldhani, but there's nothing about them that makes that make sense. Most human species and offshoot species have a homeworld from which they originate so it makes sense to have different languages for those species but with galactic basic and so many real world human languages being absorbed into accents only, it makes little sense for all these plain jane human planets to have vastly different languages.