They tried. They really did. It looks good, the controls are smooth, the art style is always funny.
Sure, compared to it's two predecessors Sticker Star and Color Splash this game is a 99999999999% improvement.
But if like me you grew up playing the original paper mario on the n64 and then thousand year door and enjoying that format, then get ready fr another disappointment.
It seems nintendo is now allergic to turn based combat, or so afraid of it it cant put it in a game without severely limiting it. The ring system was fun for 5 minutes and then just felt like another tedious puzzle rather than an RPG battle.
The first level is entirely a tutorial that cant be skipped and tells you what to do as if you were a 3 y/o child and tells you everything over and over because apparently we gamers are stupid children who cant count past 3.
You get almost infinite confetti and infinite coins from hitting stuff and doing very little battle.
the story's kind of funny but the gameplay is so repetitive and boring I'm gonna sell my copy half price to someone else cuz i don,t want someone else to pay full price for this disappointment.