If you don't understand or enjoy theatre, then you won't enjoy this film.
This film is an adaption of a theatre production, which was written based off poems. It is meant to be strange.
Pretty much if you simplify the plot (because I know people don't get it)...
Jellicle cats, are personalities of cats. They are just cats. Hense, the lyrics "are you blind when you're born?, can you see in the dark?" and "when you fall on your head, do you land on your feet?" suggesting the common phrase "cats always land on their feet". Honestly don't get how people didn't get that, but ok, whatever.
So pretty much, once a year there is a ball that is held. It's not a normal human ball. But there is dancing and singing etc. Each cat must perform and show that they are worthy to move onto the next stage of life. Which is of course, dying. And when cats die, they go to cat heaven. And when cats go to heaven, they can live whatever life they want. For example, the Theatre cat wanted to be back on stage, be young and lively again just as he was before.
This is because, when humans lose a pet they say things like "Oh I bet Fluffle is up in heaven right now chasing mice.".
Again, it's not that hard to understand if you just watch the film or the theatre production.
It is not meant to be taken in a literal sense. At all. It is poetry and it is theatre.
It's literally a play about people's love and hate for cats. How cats are so much more than pets, they are infact beings themselves with 3 names. One for the humans, their real names that only they know and ones other cats call them by. Again, don't know how people are confused by that, it is clearly explained in the film.
It's meant to notify the magical presence that humans have given cats.
I think about 80% of the people in the cinema went in not wanting to understand, not wanting to enjoy it.
I honestly don't understand how people can't wrap their heads round the film. If you don't like it, fine. But when you start saying things like
"why do they keep singing and dancing?" or "why can that cat perform magic?" it's just ridiculous. Cough. Cough. Vogue, Cough. Cough.
And calling it a film for acid trippers with a feline fetish, it the weirdest thing I have ever heard. There's no sexual connotations in it.
Rebel Wilson. She doesn't rub her genitals, she is scratching like a cat, because she is playing a cat. And it is different because it is theatre.
The closest thing you'l get to sex in it is when Rum Tum Tugger talks about how all the lady cats like him. And we all know a cat like Rum Tum Tugger. My Cat is a Rum Tum Tugger, she wants to be outside, then in. She claws me for dinner, then doesn't want it. It's meant to be funny guys.
Anyway, I liked it and those who enjoy the theatre production liked it. I'm glad that the general public didn't enjoy it and that the media said the most ridiculous things about it that I've ever heard. It means that it's still as special and exclusive as it was before.