After playing it for almost a year, I can say that this game is a disappointment. I would love to play a Call of Duty game that I thoroughly enjoy, and not feel like I have to complete something, i.e camos, challenges in order to unlock a weapon, the nonstop grinding for weapon after weapon just seems endless. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that it’s bad, it’s just with the constant shooting, it’s hard to even complete one simple challenge in a game. The respawn is broken, the weapons are trash in almost every category, the perks are lacking, some are useless to begin with; I find myself using almost one single perk for all my classes because the others are trash. All in all, this game is trash. I remember the days when I’d have fun and not feel like I have to accomplish something. In conclusion, this game makes me feel like a lowlife, because I genuinely want to enjoy it, I want to complete the challenges, but it’s just hard when nothing is intact.