Despite what many claim, this movie has real conviction. Though Sia’s method of research could have been regrettable (working with Autism Speaks), Music doesn’t come off discriminatory as it depicts a single unique individual and don’t try to generalize neurodivergents. In fact, the only information stated dogmatically was that this type of neurodivergence can become overwhelmed by sensory input, that it simply takes longer to process this type of information, and that imagery may stick around for longer than the average neurotypical. Many methods of caring for affected individuals differ from person to person, and what works for Music may not work for others although I would agree that getting on top of someone in any situation could be dangerous and the film may promote this idea when struggling with people are upset and disoriented. Visually this film would probably not be a suggestible movie for people who are sensitive to colors and flashing lights, though the target audience seems to be more geared toward the average neurotypical. I personally believe that the casting choice does not matter and was strengthened by Maddie’s brilliant performance. What really adds to the true depth of this film is that it’s not just about Music, the overall plot is more consistently about love after loss, overcoming resentment and addictions, and coming together. Overall, this movie is one of my favorites and I would really recommend it to anyone with an open and understanding mind.