I always try to be honest with my opinion. To many people are liars when it comes to their opinions. Like for example there are a whole lot of 1 star ratings. That in itselfs makes you a liar. What kind of games do you play. I would hate to go over to your house because you probably have a whole library of shirty games. I have the last of us 2, Gost of Tsushima, Final Fantasy 7, God of War, and many of the other great games. This is the first game in series in a long time that can go toe to toe with the big dogs. Some one mentioned origin had better combat, but if you like origins combat better its probably bcause you suck at video games. origins combat was boring. Is it glitchy yes but every game of this size and scope have glitches upon release. Remember Skyrim now if you like Skyrim but not this game, your not being honest with you because they used many of the same open world elements. It basically feels like skyrim with better combat. I play on the hardest setting. Its not that that hard. I think people cant learn new information now days. They want to rush through everything. The combat only felt clunky to me until I learned how to play. The reason it is clunky to you is because you suck at video games. Dont button with this game or you be running up the wall you dont want to hopping sporadically in the line of fire. Be confident. When i played Ghost of Tsushima I thought of Assssin Creed but better. That is until I played Valhalla. Ghost better combat, prettier but Valhalla open world is way better and the combat once you get use to it is pretty close. Valhalla feels lived in where as Ghost felt dead at time. It was pretty but damn you did the same damn thing over and over again but noone ever mentions that. If Assassin Creed did that you guys would complain. People are always unfairly cruel to older I.P but new ones their like its the best game ever but their not their just new.